For the 10th consecutive year Finley Engineering has been named to the Broadband Communities Fiber-to-the-Home Top 100. Congratulations, to the Finley team on continuing to deliver exceptional results to our clients, helping us earn our great reputation and this award. The magazine will release more information in their August publication.


In selecting the FTTH Top 100, the editors looked for organizations that advance the cause of fiber-based broadband by:

  • Deploying networks that are large or ambitious, have innovative business plans or are intended to transform local economies or improve communities’ quality of life
  • Supplying key hardware, software or services to deployers
  • Introducing innovative technologies with game-changing potential, even if they have not yet been commercially deployed
  • Providing key conditions for fiber builds, such as early-stage support or demand aggregation

To be listed among the FTTH Top 100, an organization may be based anywhere in the world but must do business in North America. Except for broadband service providers, which are inherently local, they give preference to organizations that serve national rather than local markets. Overall size is unimportant, as is corporate form, in addition to for-profit companies, the list includes municipalities, a telephone cooperatives and several nonprofits.

Although some organizations on the list focus entirely on fiber to the premises or other fiber-based broadband technologies, most deliver or support a mix of broadband technologies. For some, broadband represents only a small part of their business. In making these selections, the editors considered how important the organizations are to advancing fiber broadband rather than how important broadband is to them.


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