Mobile Phone Bill Report: Making Ends Meet Gets a Little Tougher

Americans spend an average of $1,365 annually on mobile phone services, according to billing technology provider Doxo. That’s 2% higher than last year. Overall, consumers pay $180 billion annually for cell phone service, according to the mobile phone bill report.

DoxoINSIGHT’s report, titled “U.S. Mobile Phone Market Size and Household Spend Report for 2024,” found that 94% of households with service have an average monthly bill of $121. That equates to $1,452 annually  – and $1,365 when households without service are factored in.

Mobile phone bills now amount to 2% of consumers’ annual income, according to the research.

Mobile Phone Bill Report Findings 

“Nearly every American now owns a mobile phone and a portion of households rely solely on their smartphone for their internet usage so it’s an important bill for consumers to track when it comes to their overall household spend,” Liz Powell, the Senior Director of Insights at doxo, said in a press release.

“As mobile bills continue to steadily increase, DoxoINSIGHTS gives Americans transparency into how their bills compare to others and can help them make decisions on the best service provider for their needs.”

DoxoINSIGHTS cited a Pew Research Center finding that 97% of Americans own a cell phone and 90% own a smartphone.

At $156 per month, Alaska was the state with the highest mobile phone bill with an annual expenditure of $1,572. The percentage of households with a bill was 84% and the average bill in the state was 29% higher than the national average. Vermont, Delaware, New Hampshire and Connecticut filled out the top five.

New York City had the highest average monthly bill among cities at $136. The average annual amount was $1,616, and the average bill was 12% higher than the national average. The Big Apple was followed by San Diego, Fort Lauderdale, El Paso and San Jose.


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