The Future of Electric Utilities- Part 1

Decades ago, there was a lot of work involved in keeping an electric utility running – making sure
there was enough coal or nuclear power for generation, and as well as building and maintaining
transmission and distribution lines. These days, the number of new issues that keep electric
utilities busy has become mind-boggling.

In this paper, we look at the “future of electric utilities” – what new trends and technologies are
currently in place and how their evolution will impact utilities in the coming few years.
While there are dozens of issues that must be studied and managed, this white paper will look at
ten in specific, and the paper is divided into two parts:

– Part 1 will look at generation-related topics: coal, solar, solar & storage, microgrids, and virtual
power plants.
– Part 2 will look at non-generation-related topics: transmission build-out, electric vehicle
charging infrastructure, grid hardening and resilience, the smart grid, and customer-owned

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Stay tuned- Part 2 will be released in December!

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