Broadband Forum Canary Release Extends Connected Home Messaging

A new software release from the Broadband Forum aims to make it easier to develop software to support the connected home. The new software, known as the “Canary” release, comes from the Broadband Forum Open Broadband – USP Agent project.
The Canary release adds a new USP message transfer protocol that aims to make it easier to develop value-added services, to improve remote device management security for operators and to enable integration of third-party software and services into existing gateway platforms. The newly-added protocol is the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol.
MQTT primarily is used in machine-to-machine and IoT devices. It facilitates communications between customer premises equipment and a cloud controller or local LAN-based controls. Implementing it within the OB-USP-Agent framework enables reuse of infrastructure for management purposes. This approach aims to overcome bandwidth constraints while using minimal power, according to the Broadband Forum.
Of course, the project already has messaging protocols. By adding MQTT Message Transfer Protocol, Canary expands the toolbox. Messaging support already is offered in several ways, including the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), WebSockets and Simple/Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP).
The Open Broadband – USP Agent (OB-USP-Agent) also offers architectural improvements to support open source software-based environments including OpenWRT/prplWRT and RDK-based platforms.
The goal of the OB-USP-Agent project is to encourage USP adoption and create an open market without vendor lock-in compared to proprietary approaches. Open markets are seen as a vital step that will encourage participation and bring more creativity into the process.
“The Canary Release of the open source project will enhance the role USP plays in the IoT market place and combines the best of both open source and open standards to realize the full promise of broadband,” Broadband Forum Chairman and OB-USP-Agent Project Manager John Blackford said in a press release. “This will ensure service providers and operators are armed with the tools they need to securely manage connected devices, build real value-added services, and prosper in the Connected Home era.”