City of Azusa Energy Project

The Finley Team developed a comprehensive electric distribution system master plan for AL&W including a review and update of the electric system model using Milsoft WinMil software; established planning reliability criteria for distribution lines and substations transformer loading and prepared a detailed system, substation and feeder load forecast; evaluated and updated the utility’s electric distribution system load forecast to include current and projected future impacts of demand growth and simulated the existing system load conditions and model the 10 year demand load forecast which included any anticipated local distributed renewable generation; performed fault and voltage drop analysis for 2015 base conditions and 2025 forecast load conditions and reviewed and validated the utility’s system protection practices and settings; identified the required system improvements to correct deviations from planning criteria and prepared high level engineering cost estimates for the system improvements as recommended; prepared an analysis of possible five (5) case scenarios and potential combinations thereof, regarding the likelihood of a future load growth condition from occurring later or not even materialize in the future, and then simulated the corresponding required system improvements associated with such case scenario; identified and recommended cost effective alternatives to utility’s use of technology for modernization, automation of system monitoring and outage management including advance metering for outage restoration; and, delivered a Final Report including a complete system model for use in the analysis of faults, voltage drops and system protection.