Introducing TR-419: Extending the Reach of Fiber with Coax

The Multimedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) and the Broadband Forum have introduced TR-419, a passive optical network fiber extension standard that uses existing coaxial cable and extends Fiber to the Extension Point (FTTep) architecture.
The organizations say that TR-419, which is labelled MoCA Access 2.5, is low cost and can be deployed rapidly. It enables FTTep to provide 2.5 Gbps networking without ducting challenges or other restrictions, the two organizations say.
MoCA Access 2.5 operates on the media access control (MAC) layer to serve single family units, multi-dwelling units (SFUs and MDUs) and commercial buildings. It uses spectrum from 400 MHz to 1675 MHz, enabling it to coexist with cable TV, DOCSIS, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and terrestrial television services.
Based on the structure’s coaxial network infrastructure, MoCA Access 2.5 can be deployed as a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint (P2P or P2MP) topology from FTTep locations.
The Technical Report on TR-419, which was released in December, offers the rationale for the development. It says that demand for high data rates for symmetrical and asymmetrical services continue to grow, while broadband market competition requires cost minimization.
At the same time, technologies such as FTTep face significant obstacles including which party should pay and physical issues including “lack of ducting both in-building and outside and in-building fiber ducts, opposition to new cabling in hallways/apartments and restrictions on building access to deploy fiber.”
“MoCA and Broadband Forum standards solve industry challenges and provide ultra-high bandwidth for customers to work, learn, and stream,” Dr. Leonard Dauphinee, President of MoCA and Vice President and CTO of Broadband Products at MaxLinear, said in a press release. “Collaboration across both organizations by MoCA member InCoax ensured TR-419 includes the inherent advantages of MoCA Access™ 2.5.”