uCIFI Smart City Unified Data Model Unveiled

The uCIFI Alliance has released the first unified data model designed for smart cities. The Alliance is an open, non-profit organization established to closely collaborate on smart city projects to offer cities and utilities open and interoperable solutions.

Using an open source approach, the model is designed to work with smart city applications such as traffic applications (street monitoring, traffic flow and parking), water metering, waste management, air-quality monitoring, etc., while also supporting sensor-to-actuator dynamic control, multicast grouping, and a calendar-based control.

The unified data model includes a series of 30 connected sensors and devices that can be used on any constrained IoT network, such as those found in various smart city applications and described on the Open Mobile Alliance’s Light Weight M2M (LwM2M) registry. The objects are available to vendors in order to meet smart city requirements for openness and interoperability.

The uCIFI Alliance itself was founded to design a unified data model to meet the needs of market leaders, cities and utilities. The organization’s approach is to use a native communication format between connected sensors on cellular, NB-IoT and LoRaWAN networks, as well as an open-source reference implementation on Wi-SUN mesh.

“Our unified data model allows city-and-utility IoT verticals to immediately benefit from this open-source, multi-transport, multi-supplier and cost-efficient tool to break silos when designing and implementing IoT projects,” said Helmut Schröder, chairman of the uCIFI Alliance, in a prepared statement. “Thanks to this unified payload structure, cities and integrators can avoid spending money and time breaking silos and developing proprietary data translators for various vendor products. As a result, cities can avoid vendor lock-in and have more flexible, wider and futureproof sourcing.”


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