12 Practical Steps to Take While You Wait for BEAD

Broadband service providers (BSPs), utility companies, and local municipalities are in a waiting pattern as they seek to expand their networks with the upcoming release of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program funding. While you wait for the BEAD grants, there are important steps you can take to prepare. Don’t be the college student who procrastinates—be the A+ student who organizes their notes, readings, and materials ahead of the test so they’re ready when it comes.

We’ve included 12 practical, tactical steps to help set you up well for the BEAD funding period. Also, note that while BEAD Program funding is what the industry is collectively waiting for now, these steps are applicable whenever you are waiting for a funding source.

We’ve arranged our twelve tips (with no priority in their order) into three categories: (1) internal administrative tasks, (2) tips related to partners, vendors, and contractors, and (3) reviewing your plant.

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